Sunday, October 19, 2008

Photoshoot in KL Orchid Farm.

It was our very last date for the month because we decided not to have anymore dates until our finals is over which is like another month away. How sad is dat. So I decided to bring her to the KL Orchid Farm. She loves flower alot unlikesome of my friends. xD. You know who you are.

Once we reached there, the sky was already dark and cloudy. Argh!!! You know what's going to drop from the sky soon. So I quickly snapped a few pictures all over the orchid farm. Actually the farm isn't that huge, it's managable. xD. So, here are some pictures of the flowers. Hope you guys enjoy and feel free to comment.








There are still more photos that are in process and will post it up soon. Do check back for more flowers. xD.


Boris said...

yup really expensive. he was 36 mouses and i have slightly broken!how weird is that????

that was really nice even for your last date, you didn't lose your touch. love your photos.

Johnny Ong said...

fantastic 3rd pict

Morganna said...

Nice pics! :D