Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Apiit UCTI Danze2Nista Feat. Fellest Yan.

Ok, here's the bad news. Fellest Yan hurt his ankle!!! How is he going to dance tonight?!?!

Fortunately, he insist on continue to perform his dance despite his ankle injury. He said he don't care about his ankle and all he wanted was to just dance for the night. Wow, you guys better appreciate his spirit and perseverence.

I now present you, Fellest Yan!!!






All I get was just a few pictures because he only had like less than 5 minutes to perform on stage. Hope you girls go crazy about him looking at the pictures. xD

Next post,reality dance tournament.

p.s: Sorry if the photos take a very long time no load, having some problems with photobucket previously. Seems like they oversized my pictures. Please be patient, worth the wait. xD. And sorry if the pictures of the dancers are not in full view because lack of space. xD

1 comment:

Boris said...

wow what spirit! truly appreciated, the determination and the passion to dance it such unbelievable :)

oh? howard, you look like fellest yan :)

don't worry about the pictures dude.

can't wait for your next post :)