Sunday, November 9, 2008

Apiit UCTI Danze2Nista Photoshoot of Cookie Monster.

Remember when I said that I missed Cookie Monster's dance performance. Well, I kinda feel bad about it (it's not my fault). So what I did was I offered a photoshoot for them. I was directed to photoshoot them in the Apiit classroom. Haha, what an unexpected place for a photoshoot.

Everyone of them seemed really tired and exhausted. All of us was in a hurry to go somewhere else too. So the photoshoot turn out to be in a real hurry. The good thing is, I managed to snap some nice photos for them. Here they are.





Guess why there are so many pictures of thia thia?? Haha.

Thia: Eh eh eh, faster let me see.

GCK: Wait lar, my DSLR hang kei.

Thia: Hor!! Confirm gg adi.

GCK: No lar, playing you only. (5seconds later) Shit, really gg!!


GCK: (picture came out) Lucky didn't gg.

Thia: Picture ini tak boleh pakai, take again.





After the photoshoot, it was already kinda late. I just said bye to all of them and off I went home. This is the last post of Apiit DanZe2Nista 2008, hope you guys enjoy it.


Thia: Eh howard before you post the picture right, photoshop our cheque board.

GCK: Photoshop which part?

Thia: Go add another two zero after the number 5.LOL

1 comment:

Daisy said...

Ok, so whats up with Cookie Monster? Nice car btw!