Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Gossip. Go away, Go safe, Go celebrate!!!

There is this upcoming event. Well actually it's a 3 day event which just started today. This event is not mainly about gossips about international celebrities like Britney, Pamela Anderson or Vanessa Anne Hudgens. This event is more of a charity event which will be held in SS15 and Subang Parade.

I was invited to the event to take photos through out the 3 days event. Well, I can't go to all the events and take photos due to classes which clashes the activities. How sad was that, but not to worry, I will attend the press conference tomorrow which HANNAH TAN will personally appear and I will take tonnes of photos of her. That's the best part.

Besides that, There will be a charity concert on friday night in subang parade. I was given a VIP pass to go back stage and front stage and all over the stage. Haha. May be I exaggerate a bit too much.



The schedule for the 3 days event:

24 Sept Wednesday, Day 1 (GO away)
9.00am-7.00pm Youth Carnival (Asia Cafe)
Durexponsible exhibition (Asia Cafe) *FREE*
NGOs exhibition (Taylors Business School, Mezzanine) *FREE*
12.00pm-1.30pm Date Rape workshop by AWAM *FREE*
1.00pm-2.00pm MyFM & GOssip Cruisers: "GOssip to a Friend"*FREE*,
GOssip Games with CLEO & Cosmopolitan
2.00pm-3.00pm Street performance on VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN *FREE*
1.30pm-5.00pm Strictly Street Graffiti Challenge (Taylors University College, carpark)
4.00pm-6.00pm Fitness Pole Dancing 101 by Viva Vertical *FREE*

25 Sept Thursday, Day 2 (GO safe)
9.00am-7.00pm Youth Carnival (Asia Cafe)
Durexponsible exhibition (Asia Cafe) *FREE*
NGOs exhibition (Taylors Business School, Mezzanine) *FREE*
10.00am-12pm Grand Launch of Project GOssip by YB R. Sivarasa, MP of Subang
Flagging off for Safe Hunt with Durex by YB R.Sivarasa
Press conference
10.00am-1.00pm Safe Hunt with Durex
12.00pm-1.00pm Street theatre performance by Fallen Leaves *FREE*
1.00pm-2.00pm Flyfm and GOssip Cruisers: "GOssip to a Friend" *FREE*,
GOssip Games with CLEO & Cosmopolitan
2.00pm-3.30pm "SEX is the GOssip" Youth Forum *FREE*
5.00pm-8.00pm Strictly Street Dance Competition (Asia Cafe)

26 Sept Friday, Day 3 (GO celebrate)
9.00am-7.00pm Youth Carnival (Asia Cafe)
Durexponsible exhibition (Asia Cafe) *FREE*
NGOs exhibtion (Taylors Business School, Mezzanine) *FREE*
11.00am-12.00pm Street performance on AFTERMATH OF RAPE *FREE*
12.30pm-2.30pm Streetwise Self-Defence workshop *FREE*
1.00pm-2.00pm Hitzfm & GOssip Cruisers: "GOssip to a Friend" *FREE*,
GOssip Games with CLEO & Cosmopolitan
2.00pm-4.00pm "Same-same but different, different but same-same" interactive program on
gender equality *FREE*
4.00pm-6.00pm Strictly Street Dance Competition Finals (Asia Cafe)
6.00pm-6.30pm GOssip Cruisers appearance
6.00pm-8.00pm Celebrity Red Carpet Arrival (Asia Cafe)
8.00pm onwards GO celebrate Street Party Unity Concert!!! (Asia Cafe)
(Ticket at RM5.00 each and will be channeled to charity)

For more info, click here. Hope to see you guys around. xD

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